“EXOS Tests Hypersonic Vehicle, Plans Air-Launch to Orbit System, & Pioneers Reduced Development Costs & Timeframes”
Lessons learned from testing should lead to new hypersonic technologies and reduced costs/timeframes for development.
GREENVILLE, TX, USA, August 3, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Using its unique “ExosWorx” approach to rapid vehicle development, EXOS Aerospace completed the design, fabrication and hot-fire testing of a conceptual reusable hypersonic launch Vehicle, just 9 months after being awarded a USAF/AFWERX Phase II SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) contract to complete the work. The expedient turnaround was achieved despite the final hot-fire testing of the vehicle being delayed several weeks due to COVID related issues and extreme drought at the Caddo Mills Airport test site. Coupling their streamlined processes with their pioneering hover-test method, the Greenville, TX. based company is drastically reducing costly risks for early project development.
The new BLK3 rocket is based on the reliable “SARGE”, EXOS’ Reusable Suborbital Launch Vehicle that has flown four times from Spaceport America, NM. The team sought to drastically increase performance by reducing the weight of the vehicle through the comprehensive use of carbon fiber composite materials, most notably, a carbon fiber composite cryogenic propellant tank for the BLK3’s Liquid Oxygen oxidizer.
Link to video of static hot-fire, tie-down and hover tests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezj4DIFVlHY
Combining lessons learned from the BLK3 with developing EXOS ALTOS (Air-Launched To Orbit System) technologies, Exos is working on a new BLK4 ARHLV (Air-Launched Reusable Hypersonic Launch Vehicle) to provide our warfighters with a versatile platform to rapidly and inexpensively test urgently needed hypersonic technologies.
“Lighter vehicles, being launched from the sky, means less fuel requirement, giving us the ability to triple payload capacity and therefore revenue capability. It also means we’ll be able to support multiple 16u payloads and get experiments into space as early as next year.” says Exos CEO John Quinn.
These developments are vitally important for the biomedical research industry as the potential for life-changing medical breakthroughs await the use of low-g, micro-gravity testing environments. These new Exos rockets may very well carry the cures of tomorrow for today’s biggest diseases. Life-changing medical breakthrough demands immediate access to the technologies that Exos is developing. Shortened timeframes are a must, but with inflation at an all-time high, reducing development costs proves that Exos is truly making “SpaceAvailable…”
About EXOS Aerospace
EXOS is a leading developer of reusable space vehicles with offices in Greenville, Texas, and the Torino region of Italy. Exos Aerospace is a DDTC registered, privately-owned, space hardware and operations company. Exos is expanding its business through the development of National Charter Enterprises and is designing the ALTOS orbital launch vehicle to commercially support placing 800-kg in LEO. The team has developed hundreds of rocket engines, over a dozen flying vehicles, manned propulsion systems used on Rocket Racers and a Lunar Lander vehicle (Morpheus) for NASA. We look forward to bringing our ExosWorx Rapid Design-Build-Test-Iterate approach to your Space hardware project.
Exos Aerospace is making SPACEavailable…